Summertime Thing

My wife, Jane, is a schoolteacher. She needs her summer months to relax and re-gather her energies for the following school year.  While I am away at my daily employment during the summer she likes to garden and take in an occasional movie matinee.  The gardening gives her a chance to relax, get physical and enjoy the fresh air.  She gets a lot of pleasure out of the sunshine and nice breezes we get at our home in the country.

After spending the morning and early afternoon in the yard and garden she cools off and freshens up with a nice shower or lingering bubble bath.  She will fix herself a cool drink and take a book to the back yard.  There she sits in the shade of our big silver maple tree and reads one of the books she has been saving for the peace of a summer back yard.

Once every couple of weeks she finds a good movie to enjoy.  She calls one of her teacher friends and off they go for a movie, girl talk and mid-afternoon snack.  It might be a salad at Applebee’s or a cup of ice cream at the drive-in.  Or Jane just takes off on her own to the antique shops after the movie.

So, I was not too surprised when I came home from work the second Wednesday of June this past summer and didn’t see Jane in the yard.  When I called her name as I entered our house I didn’t hear an answer.  I walked through the house, down the hall to our bedroom when I thought, “I bet Jane went to a movie or got together with her friend, Bonnie.

Before I got to the end of the hall and our bedroom, I turned around to go out to the garage. I expected that our Sebring convertible would be gone.  Then I would know Jane took the afternoon off. I opened the door to the garage knowing that it would be empty. Nope! There it sat. “Well, now WHERE is Jane?”

I headed back into the house to look for Jane. Calling her name again as I headed doun the hall I was startled!  There on the floor was a pair of panties.  And three feed past them was a bra. I could not have missed seeing them here two minutes ago… if they had been there.  And just past the bra was one tennis shoe and two socks. Jane had to be in the house.  And judging from the trail of clothes she was in the bedroom.

Puzzled and expectant I went into the bedroom to find Jane with an impish grin, tousled hair and nothing else.  The faint scent of perfume floated in the air. As I grinned and walked toward her she wrapped herself around me.  My face settled into her hair as she gathered me into her self.  And I again inhaled the gentle aroma of her favorite perfume.  The scent she always saves for a romantic evening out.

Jane gently lowered the two of us to the floor, which she had covered, with six to ten blankets. The blankets were in layers and folds and mounds on the floor.  As she gently laid me back she started unbuttoning my shirt. And motioned with her finger to her lips that I was not to say a word.  Her gaze never left my eyes as she undid each button on my shirt and unbuckled the belt around my waist.

With her hands, Jane slid my pants down from my waist and lowered her face into my chest.  She nibbled my chest hairs and gave me playful bites.  Jane continued to slide my pants down around my knees. She nibbled and bit as her lips and teeth moved past my waist. I felt her warm breath and wet, smooth lips while she paused between my legs.

When Jane finally got all my clothes off I was certain that she was in charge of the activities for the rest of the afternoon.  That day in June my sweet wife made a memory for the two of us that has brightened my thoughts of her many days since.

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