Nothing Has Changed

We’d just made love and he was breathing heavily, his wet chest glistening in the moonlight. I smiled breathlessly and lay back on the pavement, letting my feet fall back into the water. He took my hand silently and squeezed. I squeezed his in return and we sat in silence, our bodies expressing what our mouths never could.

He sat up and slipped back into the pool. He put a hand on one of my feet and kissed the top of it. I giggled then sat up and spread my legs. He moved in between them and smiled up at me, the turquoise water reflecting off of his shining pearly whites. I leaned down for a kiss but he pulled me right into the water!

“Billy!” I squealed, crying out as the water chilled my naked body.

He laughed and pulled me to his chest, holding me tightly. We fell into silence once again. As I clutched his shoulders and wrapped my legs around his hips, the moon hid behind the clouds, leaving us in complete darkness.

“I love you.” He said, stroking the back of my head.

“I love you too.” I said, kissing his tattoed shoulder before resting my chin on it.

He held me tightly and continued stroking my hair with one hand and holding me up with the other. The wind picked up and made us both shiver.

“Let’s go inside, my love.” He said, twirling the end of ringlet in his fingers. I kissed the scar on the bridge of his nose and nodded.

We climbed out of the pool, naked as the day we were born; and made our way back inside our house. The boys were sleeping already, and had been for hours, so the silence that greeted us wasn’t eerie as it would’ve been, had our six year old twin sons been awake. We walked upstairs and slipped into the shower, not needing to strip since our swimsuits lay soaked on the pavement outside.

We climbed into the tub and turned on the water then sat down in the tub and let the hot water massage our skin with it’s comforting embrace, a welcome gift from the chill that’d seeped into our bones.

I stared at him and he stared at me. We didn’t need to speak but the silence was serene, not awkward. Looking into his eyes, I was reminded of the first time I’d looked into them in person after two and half years of a long distance relationship.

He’d kissed me in the middle of the airport, and when we seperated, I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. They’d been sparkling with joy and brimming with tears, as were mine.

Now, sitting in the bottom of the shower with him, staring into his eyes just as I had that day, my heart strings tugged until tears escaped from my eyes. He pulled me into his lap and kissed my head, knowing my tears were not ones of sadness. He held my face in his hands and tilted it up to meet his. He kissed me and I fell in love with him all over again.

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4 replies
  1. bj says:

    Think this is cool. Its not a sex story but theres so much tenderness and loving peace in that shower.
    In the middle of a long distance relationship right now, and if things work out i hope i find moments like yours…

  2. bj says:

    Think this is cool. Its not a sex story but theres so much tenderness and loving peace in that shower.
    In the middle of a long distance relationship right now, and if things work out i hope i find moments like yours…

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