The seed of my generation

Good day I am young Born again Christian fellow who loves the Lord so much and who found marriage heat to be an inspiration blog about what most churches run away from instead of tackling such issues and has allowed me to see and explore my sexual life I a way that pleases God. This is my first post please do enjoy

The seed of my generation

Not so long ago i watched you blossom giving out your beauty in all forms causing my legs to crumble down whilst looking at you smile.

Not so long ago I saw you running up and down dancing and singing for spring has made its way to your life causing me to look at you with beauty in my eyes while waiting for you to take me for a walk in your garden.

Not so long ago you told me about that Golden spot that’s in your garden which brings you so much joy when it’s being touched making you to experience something new that’s unfamiliar but comfortable for you to feel. You loved what your Golden spot made you feel, so i laughed and smiled from listening to you talking about the spot. Your cheeks were turning red

You also showed me those mountains that sat on the top hills of your land above your garden, which were ready to give out life and nature your garden fruits showering them with streams of beautiful scent.

I was carrying a bag a leather bag that’s bottled green it seemed like the colour attracted you I don’t know why but you asked. “what’s inside there?… I love the colour too” I didn’t hear you properly because the beauty of your garden was so unique and I’ve never seen something like it before. I responded after you pinched me, “hmmmm it’s a bag with my… my seed… “ you frowned “meant my generational seed” you responded with a smile that said I would take care of it, holding my hand we walked.

I sang for you while watching you running around in circles dancing to my flawless singing, from time to time you laughed I sensed you felt so much joy. Then we went outside the garden and music was playing I saw those mountains rising giving off some hot steam, I held tightly to my bag thinking of my generation, “inside that garden, there must be a volcano somewhere waiting to explode and quench my thirst.”

It started pouring tiny floods of rains making every doorstep of the beautiful garden slippery; we smiled, and you told me to enter and look for any spot in your garden so that I can plant my seed. So I went in gently, making sure that I do not fracture any branches and cause you pain.

I went in and out a couple of times making sure that I do everything with ease and be caution but making you dance beautifully. Your eyes were filled with that volcano ready to erupt anytime, out of nowhere i found that Golden spot and you showed me flames singing so beautifully making me to dig more and more “secure your seed under that Golden spot!!!” you commanded so filled with motion and fire i ran quickly giving all that i had, somehow that volcanic fire was in me now boiling giving me strength to push in hard and i did.

The song you sang made me weak but filled with so much strength to dig deeper to secure this seed then ‘BOOOOOOM’ it went through running in the middle of your garden while you finished your song and raining so heavily pushing my seed out unintentionally but few held on running fast!.
It went through your Golden spot deep into its roots and held on to one receiver that was stationed there and gave life to another tree.

After all that journey we went through and all that was happening you held me asking that i stay home and water your garden more often for you cared so much about my seed, you loved it, i think you were addicted to it lol… That Golden Spot showed you fireworks and flames and you spoke in unknown languages i thought you were speaking in parables lol… So i stayed and cared for you, for in and out i did more often making you blossom and joyful and sing in those tongues and showering you…

not so long ago you were… and i was there…

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4 replies
  1. PacMan says:

    I like this allegorical look at the marriage bed. Romantically portrayed. I would like to know why this is in the "Christian Masturbation" category, because this sounds like full-on coital intercourse to me — unless I didn't understand part of this. Thanks.

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