Marriage Romance

Marriage Romance is a spice for marriages. Married couples want that romance to continue.  Marriage Romance has to do with intense, feeling of love and sexual attraction. Marriage Romance is often defined in practice differently people.
Romance is defined this way by Wikipedia,

Romance is the expressive and pleasurable feeling from an emotional attraction towards another person associated with sexual attraction. It is eros rather than agape, philia, or storge.

In the context of romantic love relationships, romance usually implies an expression of one’s strong romantic love, or one’s deep and strong emotional desires to connect with another person intimately or romantically. Historically, the term “romance” originates with the medieval ideal of chivalry as set out in its chivalric romance literature.

God created humans to be romantic. Healthy marriages need Loving Marriage romance that lasts. (MH) shares stories of marriage romance practiced out in real time. As your read marriage romance stories,  be inspired and instructed in the way of love.

The Song of Songs in the Bible models marriage romance in powerful ways and metaphor.  Passages in the Song of Songs showed the marriage romance mood. Much of Song of Songs is pure romantic tension;  Here is a short dialogue from chapter one.
Song of Songs 1:9-14 
From the Husband:

I liken you, my darling, to a mare among Pharaoh’s chariot horses.
Your cheeks are beautiful with earrings, your neck with strings of jewels.
We will make you earrings of gold, studded with silver.
From the Wife: 
While the king was at his table, my perfume spread its fragrance. My beloved is to me a sachet of myrrh resting between my breasts. 
My beloved is to me a cluster of henna blossoms from the vineyards of En Gedi.
Read the whole book of Song of Songs  You may not understand all the metaphors the first time you read it.  If you study Song of Songs closely, you will see the strong sexual marriage romance culture of this book of the Bible. Some cannot believe Song of Songs is actually in the Bible. The early erotic romance literature still shines a bring light on marriages today.
Enjoy these romance stories and find yourselves in them.

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